Single Frankings Used for Existing Rates in QV Era


The aim is to show at least one example for correct usage of each of the 15 existing different stamp‑values on (mostly) rarer Single Franking covers sent in different decades to various directions (Inland and countries around the world) during the Victorian Era – also to show various usages (earlier and later decades).


Moubray, 1st edition British Letter Mails to Overseas Destinations

Theo Brauers – Supplement Scarce Victorian Postage Stamps on Cover (2015);



Frame 1

  1. Introduction/ Table of content
  2. ½d Bantam pl.9 (SG48) and SG213
  3. ld Penny Black (SG3) and Handsworth Penny Post (SGS)
  4. ld Penny Red pl.225 (SG43) and 1½d (SG198)
  5. 2d Penny Blue (SGS) and deep rose (SG168a)
  6. 2½d rosy mauve (SG 139) and purple/ blue (SG201)
  7. 3d rose (SG92) and purple/ yellow (SG202)
  8. 4d vermillion pl.15 (SG152) and sage‑green pl.15 (SG153)
  9. 4d grey‑brown (SG154) and 4½d green and carmine (SG206/SG206a)
  10. 5d dull green (SG193) and dull purple and blue (SG207a)
  11. 6d Embossed- lilac (SG59) and grey (SG125)
  12. 8d orange (SG156) and 9d straw (SG98)
  13. 9d straw (SGlll) and dull purple and blue (SG209)
  14. 10d Embossed- brown (SG57) and red‑brown pl.1 (SG112)
  15. 1/-orange‑brown pl.13 and pl. 14 (both SG163)
  16. 1/-dull green (SG196) and 2/- dull blue pl.1 (SG118)